Quality Improvement Q&A

london ontario midwives

talbotcreek midwives

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement Questionnaire

Talbot Creek Midwives values your feedback about the care we provide. We are hopeful that you will fill out the following discharge questionnaire as well as consider providing a testimonial to your experience. The information in this questionnaire will not be shared with anyone outside of Talbot Creek Midwives, with the exception of the College of Midwives of Ontario as part of our quality assurance review. The answers and feedback will remain confidential and take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Please check off the members of your midwifery team:

Please rate the following aspects of your prenatal, labour and birth and postpartum care:

Prenatal Care

Number of prenatal visits
Length of prenatal visits
Scheduling of prenatal visits
Usefulness of information provided to me for making decisions
How easy it was to reach my midwife or midwives
My confidence in the midwives' skills and abilities
How comfortable I felt asking questions
Often due to the nature of our work and the care we provide, clinic appointments often run late. If your appointments started later than scheduled, did this impact you significantly in anyway? (Please select all that apply)
Would you appreciate more information videos from midwives on specific topics?

Labour and Birth Care

How easy it was to reach my midwife or midwives during labour
My confidence in the midwives' skills and abilities
Usefulness of information provided to me for making decisions
How well do you feel your midwives helped prepare you for labour and birth?
Did you feel supported by your midwives in labour?
Did you have a home birth?
Would you be interested in collaborating with Talbot Creek Midwives in sharing your labour and birth (or home birth) experience to other couples?
How would you rate your birth experience?

Postpartum Care

Number of my postpartum visits
Length of my postpartum visits
Scheduling of my postpartum visits
How easy it was to reach my midwife or midwives
Usefulness of information about caring for myself
Usefulness of information about caring for my baby
My comfort calling my midwife or midwives with questions or problems
My confidence in my midwives' skills and abilities
If you chose to breastfeed, how would you rate your breastfeeding experience in the first six weeks? (Select all that apply)
If you chose to breastfeed, how well did your midwives provide you with skills and knowledge to breastfeed?
How well did you feel your midwives discussed and assessed your mood in the postpartum?

Practice Administration

Please answer the following questions:
How did you hear about us?
How easy was it to reach our office administrator?
How well did our office return your phone calls?
Did you consistently read and review the COVID screens prior to coming to your clinic appointments?
Do you prefer for your midwives to call you or to send you information through the online Medeo Messaging Portal?
Max. file size: 1 GB.
Would you recommend Talbot Creek Midwives to your friends and family?

Thank you!

Thank you so much for your feedback! We read every single questionnaire and work hard to continue to learn and grow as midwives. Please feel free to follow us and tag us on Facebook and Instagram! Thank you for trusting us with this important time in your lives!
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