As midwives, we are lucky to be able to get to know you in the months leading up to your birth so that when the time comes, we are ready to support and advocate for you during labour and delivery. Birth is an often scary time for many clients, however, it is a time full with so much excitement and joy. Your team of midwives will be present with you during your labour and will be able to guide you through to meeting your baby. We are able to provide labour support, whether it is back pressure to help with that back labour, or a cool compress to wipe the sweat of your face.
We are a calm, steady voice and hand when you feel like you just can't go one anymore. We are there to remind you of what you are capable of, how strong you are, and what life will be like once you've crossed over to the other side. We are there to provide knowledge, perspective, and to be your rock when you and your partner feel uncertain.

We will be there to make recommendations to keep you and your baby safe. Helping you to engage in decision making is an essential part of the birthing process. We want birth to be an experience you go through, not something that is done to you. Your partner is important to us, we are there to put them to work, to help them feel included and to provide them with information on how the labour and birth are going, and to offer support in any emergencies.
Our top priority is to give you a safe space to be yourself, to labour however you feel you need to, to provide you with respect and to preserve your integrity. We are honest and reliable and are very skilled at giving you a chance to birth in an optimal way.